Diary 1964 B. Hellyer
[note: The book begins with a note added in 2001, so as to maintain the integrity of the work, I will transcribe it word for word. Though it is from 2001, the rest of the diary is from 1964]
Jan. 28, 2001
I’ve been cleaning out old stored boxes found this small note book serving as a diary written by me in Newport, Or. 1964-1966. Spent the next hours reading the beautiful memories of Theo and my time spent there. He had gone to work at Yaquina Bay. I studied and passed test for a liscenced Real Estate salesman. Had a wonderful “boss” Kenneth Chipman. I stayed with Chipman Realty until Kenneth decided to become a commercial fisher-man. He bought a large tuna boat. As he saled out off Yaquina Bay the first morning he dropped dead – heart attack. Theo had also had a heart attack at 58. When Kenneth died Theo decided we would move to La Grande Ore where Nell and family lived. We had only lived there a year when he died. I hadn’t taught for several years but went back to teaching. What a bad time.
Now I am going on 90. This all seems like someone else’s life. I am happy and am thankful for each day. I am copying the 1964 + happenings.
1645 Ocean View Dr
Newport Oregon
Jan 15th 1:00pm
Republican’s womens luncheon Feb 6 Rebeca meeting 7:00pm
Feb 9, 1964
Hubert called. He asked about lots at depot Bay. Referred him to Lowenberg tel. [redacted, since I don’t know who this is and do not want to give out personal info] Three lots $350.00 – 20% down. I promised to look for more. Wrote letters. A beautiful day.
Feb 29 –
I placed adds in the Hood River and Stevensen newspapers for 3 weeks. No answers. I had a letter from Obergs saying they had decided not to buy. I wrote to Jan about my plans to visit them. I finished Michael’s curcus curtains. Cute.
March 1 – 1964
March came like a lion. Lots of wind and rain. Picked the first daffodil. Wrote letters all afternoon.
March 2
Today is my 8th diet day. I am making some progress. No mail and no work. I took my glasses to optomologist (sp?). They couldn’t be fixed. More rain and wind. Taylors paid their rent. I mailed it on with ours to the Warrons. I put the last coat of varnish on the desk I hope I can move it in tomorrow.
Mar 3
Wrote letter to Sherwood Realty. Cleaned sewing box. Sewed on buttons.
Mar 4 – 1964
I did substitute teaching for Mrs. Beyerle at central today. She has me frequently. I called Jan. She has the flu. We are looking forward to their visit in two weeks.
Mar 6 – I taught at central again. Theo had an EKG. And a physical. A clean bill of health. Now he wants to go back to work.
Mar 7.
No letter from Nell this week. I have accomplished little. Finished the desk. I am not satisfied with my work on it.
Mar 8 – 1964
Didn’t go anywhere. Windy and rain. Must get out letter written to the Oregon Medical University giving our bodies as friend Chuck has persuaded us to do.
Mar 12-1964
I received an inquiry from Dorothy Smith regarding the folks cascade locks property. I sent the earnest money receipt to Sherwood Realty.
Mar 28 –
We had a letter from Nell. Hubert called about real estate. Looking out our window at Jump off Joe we had a spectacular view of the migrating whales this afternoon. We have been listening to the news of the huge earth quake at Anchorage Alaska.
April 6, 1964
I taught at Sam Case School today. A third grade room. Theo had a spell which was very much like another heart attack. I am so worried about him.
April 7-1964
I finished the federal and state income tax report. I went to see my new boss Kenneth Chipman He gave me forms to fill out for the state Real Estate liscence. Had a good letter from Mother. Theo got the muffler back on the poor old station wagon. Its just fine again.
Apr 9 – 1964
Theo had a blood test today. Dr. said it would be his last as he is completely recovered. He will stop medication in 2 weeks.
Apr 16
Had a letter from Erma Bietler today telling us our Molly Coperude is in the Pendleton hospital. A letter from Nell telling us of a 3 yr old Molly has just lost an eye-(cancer). Oup Our poor Molly s !
Apr 19-1964
Called my new boss. He said I would be in complete charge of the Real Estate part of the office. He sells mutual funds. Im beginning to want a better car. This will require serious thinking on the next 2 mo. I just can’t fail that exam. Theo and I had the most beautiful day yesterday. We beach combed for several hours. Lots of agates. Theo found a small glass float.
Apr. 20-1964
Theo and I received our final cards from the university accepting our bodies for the med. School at our death. What a comforting thing to look forward to Rather than being wasted under 6 feet of earth. That’s even too deep to become fertilizer for growing things. I subbed at Central School today. Had a wonderful room. I had our favorite Dr. Forenashs daughter Rhonda among others.
Apr 24
Theo took his last heart pill today. How lucky we are that his heart thrombosis has healed so completely. The swallows came back this a.m.
June 6-1964
Sister Ann is 51 yrs old today. I took the state Brokers and desmans exam in Portland. Stayed at the YWCA. I took our Judy Reece to dinner Tues. before I started home to Newport. We had a wonderful visit The test was a long one and part difficult for me. Many were taking it. Some quit and walked out before completing it.
June 17 1964
I heard from a dear student Gwen Watt after a longtime (2 yrs.) she is married and living in Yakama Wa. She seems very happy.
June 20-1964
Today I received notice. I had passed the state Real Estate test. What a long 10 days of waiting. We have an offer on our Parkdale home. We also heard from friends who bought our ranch. They are selling.
Sept. 26 1964
We have a new granddaughter, Kathleen was born this morning. I was getting a permanent from Patty when Larry called. I will leave for Seattle this afternoon.
Oct. 10-1964
Dearest senior friend Bertha Penter wrecked her car today. Thank goodness she wasn’t hurt. They may take her liscence away from her.
Oct. 12, 1964
Beautiful day. We still remember the awful Columbus Day hurricane two years ago (Oct 12, 1962).
Oct 15,
Taught at Yaquinna Bay for Gertrude Wililams. First time this year and where I was teaching when the Columbus Day storm hit and partially destroyed the new building.
Oct 18, 1964
Since Theo cant walk long distances, we drive on old logging roads, me the driver and he the bunter. Today we drove around 70 miles along the Alsea south fork. No game but a beautiful day.
Oct 23, 1964
I am so terribly disappointed in my Real Estate Project. From Sept until May real estate does not chang hands. My sales are only two properties. My boss has given me permission to substitute teach 3 days a week. If I keep (and clean) the office on Saturdays. I get so depressed. I wish I had never gone into it I have given my notice that I’m quitting June 1, 1965.
Oct 24
I took another senior friend Charlotte Anderson to the Dr. this afternoon. My five golden age group are such dears and are such a comfort to me as are my Rebecca sisters.
Oct 25, 1964
Theo went hunting with Willis so I slept in. We set our clocks back to slowtime today. We put down new floor covering in the kitchen. Beautiful day.
Oct 26
I attended the chamber of Commerce luncheon for the first time. Quite an accomplishment for me.
Oct 27. -1964
Our Nancy Ann would have been 24 yrs old today. She has been gone 12 years. Doesn’t seem possible.
Oct 31 – 1964
Came to office today after teaching 3 da. Kenneth had a new desk moved in with encouraging plans. Hubert called.
Jan. 10 1966
Sister Anns husband died of a heart attack. Mother and I left for N. Mex immediately Polly’s dad drove us to the Portland Airport. Theo is in La Grande.
Feb 10, 1966
Mother Stayed in N. M. With sister ann. Theo and I have sold our Newport home to friend Erma Cade and moved to Summerville Or. We are living in a 3rm bunkhouse. Theo is working on a ranch taking care of 150 head of pregnant herford cows. A severe winter but Theo’s boss wont let him put the caving cows in large barns there losing lots of calves.
Sept 1966
I went to summer school at 64 I have gone back to teaching special Ed, an area I have never taught. Theo is working too hard with his heart condition it is not good. Dr Lacer our hear Do gave him a general checkup and finds everything fine.
July 26,1967 – Theo died with a heart attack.
End of old diary. So much left out.