My name is Natosha - I’m a published freelance writer, and anthropology student.

Contact Info

Contact Info

Contact me here

Tosha’s Portfolio

I write about a variety of topics. I’ve been published in several online publications and I tailor my approach to each individual situation. Check out some of my work here.

Published Stories!

Stories I’m publishing on platforms like Substack!

Published Stories!

Stories I’m publishing on platforms like Substack!


My first novel to be published - currently seeking representation by an agency.

Going No Contact

This is the safe space where I share my experience in going no contact with family members of my own, my healing process from abuse, and, resources I find helpful for anyone who might be experiencing the same thing.

Tosha in Wonderland

Want to know what I’m up to? Tosha in Wonderland is where I write about my life, and, whatever I find interesting - everything from history to the paranormal.

Pick a Card

Interested in divinitory practices like tarot or runes? Check out Pick a Card where I lay out tarot and oracle cards, pull some runes, and write about it.